Fitness Planners

This post is about fitness trackers and planners. The best way to know if what you’re doing is working is to track it. That way you’ll have baselines and know what to tweak when. It’ll make your weight loss journey so much easier. Below are a few I’ve used:

While this one is electronic (they have a website and mobile platforms), it’s a great tool. It contains lots of nutrition information for most restaurants and food products. If you pay for a premium subscription, you can have it break down you macros, set more specific goals, and more. It’s lacking in one area though: adequate tracking of resistance training. They don’t give enough options for exercises!

Erin Condren Planner:
Available on her website (with a myriad of other planners for every purpose you can think of) it’s a fairly fun way to track your nutrition intake and workouts. Very colorful and goal based. Again, lacking on the strength training side. They start at $30.

TrainRite Planners:
BY FAR my favorite planner. TrainRite give the perfect format for those who want to track not just their nutrition but their cardio and wait for it….strength training as well! They are so affordable, starting at $15, and they have great sales. Plus, they have neat covers that have snarky gym quotes on them!

Just do a search and the results are endless. From printables that you can download and customize to ready-made planners, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs.